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Indoor Plants for Health


05 Feb 2024 Blog

Let’s take a look at how this all stacks up: Buying plants vs professional plant hire services. Living a sustainable and healthy lifestyle is quickly becoming an accepted trend around the world with more and more people learning the important benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. One of these growing trends is installing office plants using a professional plant hire service.

Looking Good

Well maintained office plants offer multiple benefits to the people who work around them. These include people feeling healthier (physically and spiritually), breathing clean air with less toxins and offering a more aesthetically pleasing workplace.

There is also a more positive impression that the business has a ‘green’ attitude and, provided the plants look healthy, that they are keeping a well maintained professional office and business.

It Can’t Be That Hard!

Not everyone is a plant specialist and often people find it challenging to start the process of growing indoor plants. The confusion often starts with researching and choosing the right office plants, aligning the selection with your own unique preferences and buying maintenance items (like wood chip or pebbles, waterproof inserts, clippers, leaf shine, watering cans etc). Not to mention training your staff to maintain the plants (including not overwatering them, keeping the pots clean, cutting them back and shining them) and replacing the plants when they get sick (research a supplier, find the best quality indoor plants, organise the purchasing process, delivery and installation and pot up the new plants).

In addition, you will want to find the latest trend for pots and change the colours as you change your décor. Attractive designer planters are supplied and can be updated to suit your changing needs, usually at no additional cost. Buying up front plants or replacements can add to your costs. One mature plant can cost $100 to $200, depending on the species. Paying nothing up front and renting the plants means only a fraction of this price is paid each month and the plant could live up to five times longer with professional care. 

What To Do?

It is recommended that people consider plant hire from professionals that provide this service and handle these issues. Some important advantages of employing a good indoor plant hire company include:

  • Office plants are cleaned, shined and watered regularly by people who have been trained to maintain them
  • Any unhappy plants will be replaced as needed at no extra cost for you.
  • You don’t have to worry about finding office staff who will do everything from choosing planter decor to experimenting with plant species
  • There is always someone you can call when you want to change the indoor plants or update the planters to a new style or colour
  • You will have a proper waterproof planter system installed and won’t have to worry about the equipment wearing out as someone will undertake regular maintenance.
  • Everything is arranged and organised for your peace of mind
  • Your office plants will always look good!
Stress Free AND Less Cost!

Another important advantage of plant hire by a professional provider in Sydney is that your total costs go down with time; despite the popular myth that it might be expensive to hire people to take care of plants. You will need to remember to weigh in the costs incurred when you are spending dollars on the commute and transport involved in finding the right nurseries and shops, delivery charges, labour costs for someone to maintain them and the costs associated with buying a plant to replace one that dies (because a staff member went on holidays and nobody watered them).

With professional indoor plant hire, all you have to do is arrange a free consultation and then your monthly invoice will cover all of this work. It’s better to have no plants than sick plants! If you have already installed office plants and need a ‘rescue’…most good plant hire companies will be able to help bring the plants up to a professional standard or assist with replacements.

Yes…Always Looking Good

All in all, with all the pros and cons factored in, it can be said that if you are committed to living in a green office environment then you should strongly consider plant hire by a professional service provider because they have the knowledge and experience that is needed to choose the right office plants and the expertise to handle and maintain the plants so your business always looks good!

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in August 2018 and has been rewritten and updated for accuracy and relevance.

Office plant design
Greenconcept (2)
Indoor Plant Hire cluster of plants for biophilia