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Indoor Plant Hire, Plants for good health, Wellbeing, Office Plants, Office design, Biophilia,


11 Aug 2023 Blog

Purifying the air. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often find ourselves spending most of our time indoors. Whether it’s our homes, offices, or other indoor spaces, we inadvertently expose ourselves to various pollutants and toxins which often have a higher presence indoors than out.

However, there’s a simple, natural solution to combat these indoor pollutants and create a healthier living environment. Plants! We can use plants for better indoor environments. This lush green living decor does more than just beautify our spaces; they have the remarkable ability to purify the air and enhance our overall well-being. It’s only natural…right?

Natural Air Purifiers

Air pollution is a significant global concern, responsible for a staggering 6.7 million premature deaths, as reported by the World Health Organisation. Thankfully, plants are naturally purifying the air by filtering harmful toxins and pollutants from the air. Through a process called photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide along with other harmful gases while releasing oxygen, effectively cleansing the air we breathe.

Lead researcher Associate Professor Fraser Torpy said that the researchers tested soil with no plants growing in it to see if it could also remove the pollutants. The soil was effective for around two weeks, but the bacteria required to remove the toxins then died off and the process stopped working. “So, you can’t just have a bag of dirt, you’ve got to have the plant in there,” he said.

The Proof is in the Research

In a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), indoor plants have been found to be highly effective at removing harmful toxins and petrol fumes, including cancer-causing compounds from indoor air. The plants are particularly efficient at removing pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air. Placing a few of these plants strategically throughout your indoor space can significantly improve the air quality and contribute to a healthier environment.

Dr Torpy said bacteria in the soil break down the pollutants. He said indoor air is around two to five times more polluted than outdoor air, and the potential for plants to improve air quality was significant given that we spend 90 per cent of our time indoors.

“When we looked at the consequences of benzene exposure, we found a three to 21 per cent elevated risk of cancer in people who are exposed to this benzene. So, we’ve got a problem. And it’s a problem that people aren’t talking about,” Torpy said.

Furthermore, the study highlighted the adaptability of plants to their growing conditions. When the concentration of toxins in the air was higher, the plants became even more effective and efficient at removing these toxins, further emphasising the vital role they can play in creating a cleaner and healthier indoor environment.

Humidity Regulation

Beyond their air-purifying capabilities, plants also play a crucial role in regulating indoor humidity levels. During a process called transpiration, plants release water vapor into the air, which helps maintain optimal humidity. This is especially beneficial in dry indoor environments, such as those with air conditioning or heating systems that tend to reduce humidity levels. By introducing plants into these spaces, we can create a more comfortable atmosphere and prevent issues like dry skin, eyes, nose, and respiratory irritations.

Stress Reduction and Well-being

Apart from their physical benefits, the presence of plants indoors has a positive impact on our mental well-being. Studies have shown that being around plants and greenery can reduce stress, anxiety, and even improve mood. The natural connection with nature that plants provide can evoke a sense of tranquillity and relaxation, making our indoor spaces more enjoyable and conducive to productivity.

When it comes to the positive effects of plants on health, well-being, productivity, and office attendance, the research now solidifies the importance of incorporating plants into every workplace wellness plan, demonstrating that plants are not just a mere aesthetic addition but an essential aspect of creating healthier indoor spaces.

Boosted Cognitive Function

Believe it or not, plants can also enhance cognitive function and productivity. Research suggests that having greenery in workspaces or study areas can improve concentration, focus, and memory retention. The calming effect of plants helps reduce mental fatigue and increases our ability to concentrate on tasks, leading to improved overall performance.

What Does This All Mean?

Indoor plants are more than just decor; they are natural healers that improve the air we breathe and positively impact our well-being. This groundbreaking study highlights the extraordinary capabilities of indoor plants in purifying indoor air by effectively removing toxic petrol fumes and cancer-causing compounds. By introducing plants into our indoor spaces, we create a green oasis that enhances air quality, reduces stress, and boosts cognitive function. So, let’s bring the wonders of nature indoors to create healthier and happier living and working environments for everyone.

Contact our team for a free consultation and to find out how we can help your office become a healthy oasis for everyone who works or visits your business.

Nextgen Living Wall, Green Wall, Indoor Plant Hire, Biphilia
Fycus Lyrata, Indoor Plants for Wellbeing, Office Plants, Office design, Biophilia,
Vertical Garden, Office Plants, Biophilia, Office Design, Plants for Wellbeing,
indoor plant hire, plants for wellbeing, plants remove cancer causing toxins, office plants, office design,